miercuri, 6 mai 2015

Download Kiwi Syslog Server Version 9.4.2 Cracked FULL

Download Kiwi Syslog Server Version 9.4.2 Cracked FULL

Kiwi Syslog Server offers busy IT administrators a robust and affordable syslog server. Easy to set up and configure, Kiwi Syslog Server receives, logs, displays, alerts on, and forwards syslog, SNMP trap, and Windows event log messages from devices such as routers, switches, Linux and Unix hosts, and Windows servers.
Kiwi Syslog Server also includes log archive management features that allow you to comply with regulations by securing, compressing, moving and purging logs, exactly as specified in your log retention policy.

Kiwi Syslog Key Features:
NO LIMIT on maximum number of sources.
Built and tested to handle MILLIONS of messages an hour.
Run as a service (or foreground application) on most Windows operating systems
Collect log data from Syslog messages (both UDP and TCP), SNMP traps and Windows Event Logs (through the included Windows Event Forwarder)
Display real-time logs in multiple windows in a local viewing console , or from anywhere through secure Web Access
Split written logs by device, IP, hostname, date or other message or time variables
Manage log archives with scheduled compress, encrypt, rename, move and delete rules
Forward logs to other syslog servers, SNMP servers or databases
Send email alerts, run programs, play sounds and perform other actions when messages arrive
Act as a syslog proxy (forwarding messages with original IP information)
Ship syslog information securely across insecure networks with included Kiwi Secure Tunnel
View trend analysis graphs and send email with traffic statistics

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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