Download EZCaption 6.0 Full Version - cracked
EZCaption 6.0 is a 100% Windows-based, stand-alone, dedicated captioning application.EZCaption 6.0 is designed for use by:
Multi-Media and DVD Producers
Television Stations
Production Houses & Program Syndicators
News Organizations
Public Speakers
EZCaption 6.0 includes a powerful text editor/spell-checker, but can also easily load standard word processor files.
EZCaption 6.0 – Standard Feature List
Can do Closed Caption Encoding for both Multimedia (DVD, Windows Movies, etc.) and Broadcast Closed Caption Encoding.
Includes MetaFile Templates to create rich media captions for:
Windows™ Movie Player files.
DVD (Scenarist® Closed Caption) files
QuickTime ™
MetaFile Templates are user customizable.
Can do either Roll-Up and Pop-On captions
Internal timing system eliminates need for proprietary time-code generators, readers, and other specialized hardware.
Operating Modes are menu-selectable
Can easily time scripts
Operator can edit script-timing
Operator can easily control output (a line at a time), or EZCaption 6.0 can automate output using built-in script timing mechanism.
Includes two Roll-Up modes (standard and enhanced)
Includes basic Instruction Set
Includes Instruction Editor so you can customize encoder directives to suit your needs.
Compatible with virtually every closed caption encoder on the market (note: some encoders do not support all features).
Designed to run computers with Microsoft Windows® 7, Windows® Vista, and Windows® XP operating systems (runs on many older versions of Windows® as well)
Does not need any conversion programs or third-party software.
Built-in text editor, or you can use scripts created by other popular word processors like Microsoft Word®.
Editor includes a fully-integrated spell checking engine.
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